GD round is a favourite component of final selection round not only in top MBA colleges but also in various recruitment process like class 1 and 2 services, SSB, bank officers’ recruitment services among others. It carries a substantial weightage also in final admission/selection process. Group Discussion rules allow you to speak effectively and listen to others also. The major Group Discussion tips to win the GD round are to follow the Group Discussion skills. One of the key winning Group Discussion skills is to remained well learned, listen others carefully and not to miss the opportunity to make  an effective speech.

Areas of Topics in Group Discussion 
Current GD topics on which Group discussion is conducted are based on latest developments in Business & Economy; Current Affairs; Social Issues; International events, Abstract ideas which are directly or indirectly related to current socio-political, educational and other issues. Usually controversial topics are not included in Group Discussion Round.

100+ GD Topics for Preparation 
This section will consist of 100+ latest GD topics spread over all the categories and are based on expected GD topics that could be placed in the Group Discussion round in different MBA colleges and final recruitment processes of various services.   

Why GD round is conducted?
FMS Delhi which did not conduct GD round for 3-4 years started the GD process WEF 2018. It will now conduct the GD round for final selection for MBA Admission 2020 in the month of April 2020. The basic reason behind conducting Group Discussion (GD) round in the final admission process for MBA/PGDM programmes in B-schools is a very important aspect of group communication reflecting the leadership skills and thought process of the participants.

GD: A Creative Activity
Group discussion is a creative and dynamic activity which stimulates reflective thinking among the members. Group discussion is the activity in which a small number of persons say 8 to 12, meet face to face and exchange and share ideas freely on a given topic of a common issue.

GD: Testing Tool of Skills 
Group Discussion (GD) is an important testing tool of participants’ skills in final admission round for MBA/PGDM after getting shortlisted by the B school. Most of the top MBA colleges conduct GD along with Personal Interview in the final admission round.

GD: Less formal than PI: Tests Meaningful Speaking and Listening
Group discussions are unstructured and less formal compared to other components of final admission round like extempore, case studies and PI round where candidates focus only on specific type of questions and respond to them. In the GD round an individual’s thought process is influenced by the views and opinions of the other members.

It can be other way round also that an individual may influence the other group members with his/her views. In the group discussion round, each participant is free to share his/her views. A successful discussion involves both listening and meaningful speaking.

Success in GD: Depends on Active Participation 
The effectiveness and efficiency of the group discussion depends, to a large extent, upon the active participation of the members. The group has to follow a pre-defined and established standards. 


Top 10 basic group discussion tips   

Top basic Group Discussion tips include tips to Prepare For Group Discussions before and during the Group Discussion round and important Do’s and Don’ts. Below are shared the Group Discussion Tips to hone your Group Discussion skills:


1. Rich Content with good subject knowledge 
Having good subject knowledge and rich content is the first and foremost GD tip to enter the Group Discussion Round. Following are the key steps to improve your Group discussion skills in regard to GD content preparation:

2. Be a Leader

There is no doubt that to emerge a winner in GD round you should speak after getting a grasp on the given topic. But it also gives you opportunity to take lead. So be a leader to begin the Group Discussion. Key tips are:

3. Be relevant

4. Be a good Listener

5. Improve your Communication Skills

You may have good and rich content with lot of ideas but if you are not able to communicate well your thoughts and opinions, all is useless. The need is now to improve your communication skills with following GD tips:

6. Body gestures: Very important tool for Group Discussion
The panelists observe the way you sit and react in the course of the discussion. Body gestures are very important, because your body language says a lot about you. In a GD, sit straight, avoid leaning back on to the chair or knocking the table with pen or your fingers. Also, do not get distracted easily. Nervous body movements, folding your hands across your chest, having skeptical expression, constantly moving, evading eye movements are the indicators of a negative personality and should be avoided at all costs. 


7. No Aggressive Move
It is expected during the Group Discussion that you are firm on your ideas and are audible enough to make an impact on the group. But being aggressive, shouting and not allowing others in the group to speak, is not appreciated. So be careful  and don’t be a bully.

8. Don’t Crisscross on your Ideas
Don’t crisscross your ideas. The topics given in Group Discussion are debatable, you might like to speak for or against the topic and while speaking don’t forget that you may be crossing your own lines. It gives a bad impact and you are judged a person who has no stand for his own thought.

9. Don’t be a part of fish market
As a team player, your ability to lead and play in team is measured in the GD. During the Group Discussion there are many instances where you will find every one is saying something and no one is heard. It is better to be quiet for a while and then after gathering your thoughts, raise your voice initially and make your point.

10. Don’t give up: Make multiple entries
Don’t be content with one round of one minute or half a minute speaking in the group.  Focus on key points, form the ideas and opinions to enter again based on the views presented by others to further strengthen your view point.

Types of Group Discussion

Group Discussions is the test of knowledge and communication skills with coherent flow of thought necessary for a leadership role of a candidate on a topical issue. There are other Group Discussions which are designed to test the ‘lateral thinking’ of candidate. Another type of Group Discussion comes in form of a short ‘case-study’ where applicants are asked to analyze a situation and frame responses. Yet another type of a Group Discussion is a ‘group exercise’.

Group Discussion (GD) is an important testing tool of participants’ skills in final admission round for MBA/PGDM after getting shortlisted by the B school. Most of the top MBA colleges including a few IIMs conduct GD along with Personal Interview in the final admission round.

10 roles participants play during Group Discussion
Following are the roles that participants in GD round play. While some of the roles lead to selection, others invite elimination. Carefully choose the right role in your Group Discussion round:

Beginner: The candidate who starts Group Discussion. He may suggest new ideas, define the GD topic but may not necessarily have sufficient subject knowledge to present effectively his view point.

Group Discussion Topics 

Top MBA colleges including IIMs, FMS Delhi, MDI, XLRI among others prefer to place GD topics in their final selection process on current affairs, economy, social & political issues, Abstract ideas that need clear expression of opinion. has published 100+ such solved and probable GD topics on almost all the issues with key analysis on their merits and demerits including Recent Bank Merger and Acquisition, Indian Economy Slow Down, India’s Space Mission Chandrayaan, Abrogation of Article 370, Crypto currency among others.

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